Maltise is the leader of the Dread Legion, an advanced Snake Cult army, who can be ransomed for these recipes: Maltise: Asp Vanguard and Dread Legion equipment Rasmus is the sole leader and founder of the Inquisition, he will unlock high tier D'Shar and Heretic gear: 13 Calanon: 70 relation unlock - casual Noldor equipment.11 K'Juda the Ravager: bonus with Diamonds.9 The Three Seers: the armor of her deadly Doomguides.8 Eyegrim the Devourer: heretic equipment.7 Burilgi the Usurper: Ebony and Darkwood weapons.6 Obrist Heynrich: Priestess' and Anaconda's equipment.5 Syla Uzas: equipment of the KO-s of the Empire.2 Maltise: Asp Vanguard and Dread Legion equipment.1 Rasmus Devatica: elite Heretic equipment.